
Why are Revolving Doors Most Popular in Cities?

If you’ve ever been to a major metropolis, you’ll notice that most large buildings have double or revolving doors. Since only large cities have unusually tall buildings, they are one of the only places you will see these types of doors. Although it may seem as though revolving doors in New York buildings are there to improve traffic flow, they also serve a structural purpose.


Pressure Relief

You may have found that a windy day can make a door harder to open or close. You’re fighting against the pressure because of sudden compression inside the building as you open the door. In some cases, doors get sucked open as if by magic when a building doesn’t have an adequate seal. The same principle applies to a skyscraper but on a much grander scale.


Don’t Break the Seal

The pressure never changes when a revolving door opens and closes because the seal never breaks. The action of multiple doors spinning prevents air from escaping or entering as someone moves through the space. Maintaining equilibrium is essential in large structures, and few buildings are quite so large as those found in Manhattan.


The next time you walk through a revolving door, you can thank the installers for making it much easier to enter and exit the building.

How to Choose Good Quality Stainless Steel Doors

The benefits of stainless steel have long made it the go-to choice for various applications, with use as door material at the top of the list. Durability and longevity are its primary advantages, but given the range of selection, it can be challenging to know what to look for in stainless-steel doors. In New York, home and business owners can narrow their options by using simple guidelines.


The intended location of the door will often dictate the style you choose. An entrance into a utility space will likely have different requirements than a front entry door.


If you’re moving equipment in and out of a room, chances are you need a stainless-steel door that can hold up to a lot of wear and tear. A business entrance will also experience increased traffic, but the demands on the door will be less intensive.


Not all steel doors are created equal. Is the door galvanized or stainless? Galvanized steel is less expensive, but the quality of stainless-steel doors often makes the difference worth the price.


If you’ve ever tried to open a heavy door, you’ll understand why weight is essential. The door you love may be beautiful, but if no one can open it, then it’s best to keep looking.


Check the core material used for the door. If you’re looking for insulating properties, you want to ensure the door has the kind of filler you need.

Things to Consider When Finding an Automatic Door Repair Company

At some point, the parts inside your automatic doors will start to wear down and eventually break, requiring you to contact an automatic door repair company. But how do you know which repair professional is the right one for your needs? We’ve created a simple primer for you to use to help you when it comes time for your business to receive automatic door repair in New York. The top considerations to think about include:

Training & Experience – When it comes to any trade—including automatic door repair—few things are as essential to look for as training and experience. You want to ensure that the technician and company you work with has been in business for several years and has a good track record. This can show you that they know what they are doing to help minimize the amount of downtime you experience when your doors are being repaired.

Excellent Customer Service – You should have confidence in your repair company. One of the best ways to build that confidence is by receiving excellent customer service from the first moment you reach out to hire a technician. A dedicated staff member should be ready to handle any concerns you might have as a customer to help you successfully through the entire repair process.

Always on Time – Your automatic doors are how employees and customers get into your business. If your doors aren’t working, it becomes harder for these individuals to get inside. That means you need to know that the door automation company you hire is going to get out to your location when they say they will so you can reduce the amount of time your doors are not functional to minimize the impact on your business.

The Importance of Revolving Door Repair & Maintenance!

Invented in 1888, revolving doors have benefited generations of businesses—from office buildings and airports to retail shops and restaurants. How? These impressive doors do a great job when it comes to reducing energy costs and increasing physical security while also elevating the customer experience and improving the brand image of the business that has them installed.

However, when this entryway is out of order, all of those benefits go out the window. That is why it is crucial to receive revolving door repair in New York whenever you notice that your doorways are no longer working quite as they should. With routine maintenance and repairs, you are able to keep your revolving doors safe, functional, and legal for public use.

Your Revolving Door Maintenance Checklist

Regular maintenance of your commercial door installations isn’t just a best practice—it can also be a legal obligation. While most revolving doors are designed for minimal maintenance, it is still important to regularly inspect them to ensure they are working safely. You can do the following safety check at the beginning of each day to catch any problems quickly before they become expensive repairs:

Check for Any Slipping or Tripping Hazards Around the Vicinity of the Door

Pull the Door Handle to Check for Any Looseness

Check the Glass Surfaces for Any Cracks or Chips

Test the Door for Proper Functionality

Did the door fail any of your daily tests? If so, it is time to call a certified service company for a professional solution. This will help you keep your doors optimized for performance now and into the future.

Reasons to Hire an Automatic Door Repair Company

Sticking hinges, slow operation, or broken parts can make it frustrating for people to enter and exit your building. Stay on top of issues and call the professionals for automatic door repair in New York. Their services are a blessing for several reasons:

Saves Time

Chances are you don’t have the time or experience to repair an automatic door, which is why business owners should hire an experienced professional. The time it will take for you to do it right is far greater than the repair expense.


Your door is your property’s primary protection against unauthorized entry, and a skilled door repair technician can keep it that way with the right tools and knowledge.

Can Repair Any Door

Door repair technicians have the specialized training to repair almost any type of door. No matter the style or material, they’ve seen it all.

Reduces Risk

Certain types of doors can pose a real danger when working with them. Automatic doors are heavy, and the risk of injury is greater than with a standard door.

The Right Tools

Automatic doors don’t operate the same way as a hinged door and require special equipment for adjustments and repairs. Professionals will already have everything they need.

Licensing & Insurance

Automatic door companies are licensed and insured. This means you’re not responsible if anything happens to the door or if anyone gets injured.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Stainless-Steel Doors

Stainless-steel doors offer New York businesses and apartment buildings a beautiful, weather-resistant way to upgrade their exterior and create an inviting entryway. However, you mustn’t ignore practical matters in favor of esthetic ones. While stainless-steel doors are perfect for the proper application, knowing their advantages and disadvantages will help you decide.



There are many more pros than cons to stainless-steel doors, including:

  • Unparalleled Security
  • Minimal Maintenance
  • Durability
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Noise Reducing Capabilities


It’s easy to see why stainless steel is one of the most popular choices for buildings in almost any application. They are versatile, and their design can be adapted to virtually any style, making them an excellent choice as new or replacement doors.



There aren’t many downsides to stainless-steel doors, but one or more of the following points might be the dealbreaker that makes you change your mind:

  • Scratches & Dents Easily
  • Potential to Rust
  • Difficult to Stain
  • Conducts Heat & Cold


If you’re worried about how your door will look after a few years of use, stainless steel might not be the answer unless you commit to protecting it from damage.


Remember that the entry door is what people see first, so make a good impression and get your stainless-steel door from a premium supplier.

How to Reduce Automatic Door Repair Costs

If you are responsible for a building with automatic doors in New York, this blog post is for you. Your role likely includes keeping repairs and maintenance costs in check, so you will benefit from reading this information from our team at Door Automation. We will tell you here some ways to reduce repair expenses for those doors.


Taking care of the basics is the most effective way to prevent the need for automatic door repairs. By that, we mean keeping the doors and sensors clean. Turn the doors off, and check that there are no blockages or debris. This step will help the doors work as they should and let you identify issues for further attention.


Installing clear signage is another simple step to take. Legible signs tell users how to operate the doors and prevent people from forcing the automatic doors to work faster than they are designed or even trying to make them go the wrong way. Proper signs will help reduce damage to the doors.


Check the doors regularly to identify any issues. Small parts can wear quickly, so keep an eye on them and replace them when required. It’s much easier and cheaper to purchase and install a small item than a large, significant part.


The last tip we will leave you with is to book regular maintenance checks from a reliable door service and installation company.


Contact us at Door Automation to learn more about keeping your automatic doors working correctly.

Tips for Repairing Automatic Doors

Automatic doors are a significant convenience and the norm in all modern buildings. When you have them at your property, they must work as intended, and when they don’t, you get them fixed right away. This blog post from our team at Door Automation provides some helpful tips on automatic door repair in New York.


Contacting an experienced technician to handle the repair is the best advice we can give you at Door Automation. Your building’s custodian or maintenance person will not have the training or expertise to diagnose a problem and sort it out. A door repair tech will know how to analyze the trouble and have the tools and parts to fix it on the spot.


Automatic doors that get a lot of use will experience wear and tear on specific components well before others. A repair person will look at those components first, which can often solve the problem right away. If another item causes the issue, then the technician will have the ability to determine what it is and fix that too.


The most crucial step in automatic door repair is taken long before any problems become apparent. Like all automated systems, it’s essential to perform regular maintenance. When you do that, you can quickly identify any minor issues now and address them to prevent them from growing into breakdowns.


Contact us at Door Automation if you wish to learn more about automatic door repair.

How Bronze Doors Can Beautify Your Business Exterior

The front door is almost the first thing anyone sees when they walk up to your entrance. Make a great first impression and consider upgrading to bronze doors. Your New York apartment, business, or office building deserves to stand out among the crowd, and real bronze certainly makes a statement.


Put a Polish on It

Bronze has long been an ambassador of luxury and elegance. You don’t have to run a café or restaurant to include the rich hues of coffee, chocolate, and caramel in your door design. By leveraging the beauty and durability of this time-honored material, you’ll create a warm welcome that attracts visitors and keeps them coming back. The classic look of bronze doors is sure to elevate your exterior and enhance your reputation.


Function & Style

Whether your automated bronze door is for an apartment complex, retail store, or office building, you’ll never regret adding a little flair to your exterior style. Beauty and function go hand in hand when you choose a material that has proven itself as one of the most tasteful and practical on the market.


Give your building the accents it needs and discuss your next automated door installation with professionals who can marry practicality and stunning design.

The Benefits of Stainless-Steel Doors

When the operational demand on your doors is high, there’s only one solution, stainless steel. However, it’s not just enough that a door will stand the test of time; it must also look great and function flawlessly. Only top-quality automated stainless-steel doors give New York business, apartment, and office owners the unparalleled performance they expect.


Your Industry’s Choice

Stainless-steel doors are valuable in environments where contamination is a concern, from hospitals to laboratories and food processing to sanitation. Their clean lines and polished surfaces make them easy to maintain and disinfect, and they are well-known for standing up to everyday wear and tear. Automated doors provide seamless accessibility, and their touchless operations offer a range of benefits in today’s age of virus awareness.


High-Quality High-Touch

Since doors are a high-touch surface, stainless steel is the perfect solution to reducing exposure to various contaminants. Unless you install an automated system, such as revolving or sliding doors, chances are people will touch the handle multiple times a day. A stainless-steel installation makes life easier for building and business owners by limiting bacteria accumulation and grime build-up.


When you want to give your employees, customers, or residents a door that will take the brunt of daily operations, put your trust in stainless steel to deliver long-lasting service for years to come.